
The training of the roo....How to raise a friendly rooster

I think everyone has a mean rooster story or two to tell. It seems that some roosters can be downright evil. Others though can be real sweethearts. Unfortunately, roosters are one of those animals that you only really get 1 chance to raise them right. Luckily, it's pretty easy to train a rooster to be nice if you start early. 

Training a rooster

If raised wrong, you can end up with a cranky, mean, vengeful beast...but if done right, you can end up with a powder puff! Rooster training is best started young, like 1 day old if you can! 

Usually that's not so terribly tough since most of us have a hard time keeping our hands off the chicks anyway! It's important to handle him daily. It doesn't have to be the same person, several people can get in on it. Even the kids.

Actually, the more people that chip in and help train the rooster the better! That way the rooster is used to lots of different people, to just one favorite person.

Kid holding a friendly rooster

How to train a rooster to be nice

It's easy to spend time with chicks, but once they move out of the brooder it can be a bit harder. Coops are busy places with lots of other birds and things to do. It's much more fun for the little cockerel and he probably won't be as eager to hang out with people. This is where I don't give them a choice! 

Romeo is our newest cockerel. He is a small breed, but it's still important that he is brought up with lots of human interaction, after all sometimes those small breeds have the most attitude!

My method is simple. Every morning I pick him up off the roost before he has a chance to jump down. I carry him over to the feed shed to get the feed and some treats. I carry him back and set him down to go about his day.

A few extra treats here and there can go a long way towards winning him over to your side! Make sure to talk to him nicely and say his name as you feed him. Of course as he gets older he may call the girls over as soon as you give him extra treats, and that's normal. 

Friendly rooster being held

During the day I spend time with him if I can, but sometimes I can't get around to it till bedtime. When I go to close them up for the night I pick him up off the roost again and pet and talk to him a bit. As with the hens the more attention you give them, the more they seem to like human interaction. 

The more you can visit with him and give him attention, the better results you should get. This type of attention also helps when Adding a full grown Rooster to your Flock.

My blue Marans rooster comes over and starts muttering to me any time he sees me by the feed shed. He knows I'll give him treats that he can call the girls for. Pretty sure he uses me for treats, but he's a friendly boy so I let it go! lol

Now I can't guarantee this will work on every rooster, after all they are individuals....but a good dose of daily human interaction is a great place to start.

Related reading: How to raise friendly chickens that beg for attention.


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I am not a veterinarian or other animal care professional nor do I claim to be. I am simply passing on information that has worked for me and my flock. This information is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. Please see a vet if your chicken is ill. Click for my full disclaimer


  1. This is such a sweet post- and yes, don't we all just love handling those fuzzy little babies? The more time spent, the more friendly they are- and it's so much more enjoyable to have the friendly ones around :)

    Happy to meet you! I'm your newest follower and I found you through the Down Home Blog Hop!

    Yellow Birch Hobby Farm

    1. They are irresistible, aren't they? lol

      Great blog...I'm following you now!


  2. I actually like the philosophy of kindness presented here. So often people beat roosters into submission. I have seen that "work" (in that rooster comes to fear you too much to challenge you), but only if the rooster was physically injured.

    While it's true that rooster behavior is hormonally mediated, that does not mean that there is no plasticity to his behavior. One could make the argument that the behavior of every individual, human and animal, is chemically mediated - because it is. But that does not mean that behavior cannot be modified. In fact, we know that both human and animal behavior can be modified by environmental factors (the "nurture" part of the nature/nurture debate) - there are many, many examples of that.

    Can every rooster be tamed with kindness into a people friendly, non challenging bird? Of course not. But I think some can be. Some are more hard wired than others. Among my own roosters, some had nastier dispositions than others, but I would say that those I handled more were, on average, tamer. And I certainly saw it go in the other direction. I had a wonderfully tame rooster who suddenly snapped for good, after a child got into my coop and started chasing the chickens around, trying to grab them. The rooster went nuts, and thereafter, tried to attack any child that entered his territory. So his behavior was certainly modified by the way he was treated!

    So thanks for the post, I enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you for your fabulous comments!

      I agree, so much of our behavior is predetermined (us being all mammals) but it is often influenced by the way we are treated. I really hate some of the 'cures' for rooster problems that I've read. It is something that needs addressed, but I don't believe attacking or challenging back is the answer. If their upbringing can give them a chance of turning out nicer...why not try?

      You have a perfect example of why they need treated right their whole lives also! I too had a rooster that turned because of a visitor. This situation got so bad that culling was the kindest answer. I watch people a whole lot closer since then and thankfully haven't had a problem.

      Thank you so much for stopping by!


  3. I know roosters are kind animals. I 2 and they sleep in my house. They are loyal and kind. They are my babies. I have raised them. They come when I call them.They are never aggressive with me at all.Spending time with them is the key and giving love and affection.Animals are more loyal them humans.

  4. I totally love your blog and totally agree! I think the more you interact with a Roo the better the disposition. He knows it's OK to hang out with you and his Ladies also think its's pretty cool he gets his attention too! Keep up the Awesome work and Thank you for great posts!

    1. Awww, thanks! I'm so glad that you like the blog! Roosters can be an amazing addition to the flock if raised right. So, glad you stopped by!


  5. I raised my rooster from when he was a chick and he was handled everyday. Last week he started flogging me

    1. Oh no! That's super frustrating. I find that holding them a lot frustrates them and then they leave me alone so as to avoid being picked up! lol I pick him up and carry him about as I do chores. Of course, if you have a biter you might not want to risk it. Hopefully he start behaving for you!

