
September recap

slate colored guinea keet

September was a busy month, that's for sure! We wrapped up the breeding season with a few more Guinea hatches and the Mother Earth News Fair. The Guinea flock was pared down by a few mate-less males and a few keets were selected to add to the group. Only time will tell if they are the right sex or not. If not, you'll be seeing them up for sale as adults...a very rare occurrence for us! We have added a new color to our flock for next year. Slate. We also pared down the pearls and added more lavender, royal purple and white to keep up with the demand for colors.

Brinsea booth
Mother Earth News fair was awesome as usual. The Brinsea booth was way too cool! I got to check out the Clifton coop and the various incubators and brooders they make. Our chicks hatched in the incubators and hopped around under the EcoGlow all weekend long. Thanks to the fabulous Brinsea crew for letting us join them again this year!

I picked up a few giveaways for the blog this month and we started our first one. It ran for 1 week and finished last night. The winner of the Purina feeds egg basket is Jennifer E. Congratulations Jennifer, your basket will be in the mail tomorrow! 

chick stuck in feeder

The chicks in the brooder showed me that just when I think they can't get into trouble....they do! Lucky for this little Marans chick I check on them every hour. She was happy to be unstuck and ran off to play as soon as I set her free!

Lastly, I started blogging for Backyard Poultry Magazine's blog! My first post goes live tomorrow so make sure you head over and check it out. I'm so excited to be working with them. I'm joining a stellar team of bloggers over there and I just know you're gonna love the blog. Go check it out!

That's it for September. I'm filling boxes with shavings for the auction in the morning. The last of the keets are leaving tomorrow. Big decisions are currently being made about the future of our hatchery. To stay the same or to grow? I fear that we've grown all we can without shipping.....but that requires quarterly blood tests, yearly inspections and more. Decisions.....decisions...stay tuned for the outcome!



  1. Those guineas are really pretty! My neighbor has some that are a gray color - so lovely. Congrats on your new blogging job at the magazine! How exciting!

    1. Those are slate and lavender guineas in the picture. I think they're pretty too!
      Thanks....I like it so far..but I feel like all I do is type now! LOL

