
Feeding your chickens egg shells instead of oyster shell

Sometimes the thriftiest tips are right at my fingertips, they just require an extra bit of effort. Such is the case with eggshells. I feed my chickens their own eggshells instead of purchasing pricey Oyster Shell supplements. Hens need calcium to make an egg with a nice strong shell. Eggshells have lots of calcium, plus we have a lot of them on hand. It just makes sense. 

Feeding eggs shells to chickens

I do keep some Oyster Shell on hand in case I run out of egg shells, but I much prefer to use eggshells when possible. I don't actually run out of eggshells often, in fact I usually have so many that I came up with 12 ways to reuse eggshells to deal with all the extras!

Every few weeks I clean out the back egg stash and cook the eggs for the chickens. Then I wash and prep the shells to use as a supplement. The whole process only takes a few minutes of work....although there is some setting time. 

I've been doing this for years and in that time I've seen it done many ways. This is the method I prefer...

Feeding eggshells to chickens

Rinse the egg shells thoroughly. I rub my fingers inside them to make sure any remaining egg white is removed. Drain and place on a baking sheet. I put my oven on the lowest setting (170) and set it to convect (this runs the fan. If you don't have this setting it's ok) 

Put the baking sheet in the oven and leave it for about 30 minutes. 
After 30 minutes, turn the oven off but keep it closed. I usually just walk away at this point and go about my day, letting the oven gradually cool down. 

Eggshells washed and drying in oven.

Wait at least another 1/2 hour. You want to dry them out without burning them (don't use the broil gets ugly, I promise!) 

After they cool I simply crush the eggshells in my hands. You may choose to use a mortar and pestle or a rolling pin. A bowl and an ice cream scoop? Mallet? Whatever....just get them on the smallish side. 

Do NOT pulverize them, do not use a grinder! If the pieces are teeny tiny, the chickens can't pick the pieces up to eat them. 

You may notice pieces of dried membrane that came off during the crushing process. I usually go outside to transfer them to a container at this point. I shake them pretty good to get those pieces to float away. 

It's not a problem if you don't, but it can get all over the counter if you do it inside. I store my eggshells in a mason jar until I need them.

Feeding chickens egg shells

Chickens should be given eggshells as a supplement in a separate bowl from their feed so they can choose how much they want. Do not mix it in with the feed. Roosters and pullets that haven't begun to lay yet don't need the calcium and it can actually harm their kidneys. 

Pretty simple, right? Stored correctly, crushed eggshells they will keep for a really long time which is especially helpful when egg production falls off and not as many eggshells are available to make more. 

I try to stock up when I can and never feed commercial eggshells to your flock. 

Eggshells from another source may contain bacteria that your flock isn't used to and might actually make them sick. If your hens own eggshells aren't available definitely turn to commercial oyster shell supplements which don't have this risk.

Oh, and don't worry, feeding crushed eggshells to chickens will not turn them into egg eaters. Have fun baking!

Want more recipes for treats for your chickens? Check out my homemade flock block recipe!


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I am not a veterinarian or other animal care professional nor do I claim to be. I am simply passing on information that has worked for me and my flock. This information is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. Please see a vet if your chicken is ill. Click for my full disclaimer


  1. I have been doing this a lot lately as well. I just put the shells into a jar and crush them with a wooden spoon. Works out pretty good!

    1. Mine end up in a jar too. I think they look kinda pretty!


  2. I feed back all our eggshells as well. I don't bother to bake them, a good rinse and air dry works - it just takes a bit longer! I store mine in a stoneware covered pot on our kitchen counter after I've crushed them with my fingers.. Good post.

    1. If I had room for a crock on the counter I probably would do that too...but my space is really limited so I do it this way so I can put them in a sealed jar and move them out to the barn faster.

      Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Good post! Easy-to-do and keeps from wasting anything!

    I also don't bake mine. I just throw the shells into a canning jar on the counter top and allow them to air dry. After they dry, I crush them right in the same jar. I was using a wooden spoon but I finally bought a nice wooden pestle from the Amish hardware store. Fits right down into the canning jar just right!

    I think I may dry them out on using the dehydrator in the future if I want to speed up the drying process!

    1. Ohh, a wooden pestle sounds great! I'll have to look around for one. Thanks for the tip!


  4. Are there any concerns with the sharp edges getting caught in their throats?

  5. My hens just starting to lay eggs
    I lost 3 so far
    It looks as if the egg got stuck!!
    Next morning its all over and then the other hens start pecking away on the carcass

    1. Oh no, I'm so sorry that happened. Chickens are brutal little things, they will eat anything.It's sad to us but to them, they just see food.
      Sorry you're having such a rough start to your chicken keeping.

