Calf Manna for Chickens

Normally I am a 'think outside the box' type of person. I can come up with solutions for just about anything. However, it has never occurred to me to feed my chickens something made for calves. This is particularly baffling when you realize that I can tell you the correct dosage for using cattle medications on chickens. hmmm. 

Calf manna feed, chickens

Last year I attended the Mother Earth news fair with the Brinsea company. While there I took the time to visit several booths and was given a sample of Calf-Manna. The nice lady there took the time to explain the benefits of feeding this to my chickens. So I look in the cup. It looks like rabbit food and smells like licorice. Interesting, but will the chickens eat it?

Can chickens eat calf manna?

Apparently they will! Buttercup was the first to venture over, but it didn't take long till the rest came to see what she was so excited about!

silkie chickens eating calf manna

Calf Manna has protein, carbohydrates, Anise (hence the licorice smell) brewers yeast and linseed oil. As a supplement it makes a nice treat for chickens, it's good for them and they like it! Who knew? 

It's the only chicken supplement that I feed to my chickens. I generally don't recommend feed supplements for chickens.  On the other side of the cup it says 1 Tbs per chicken daily, so a bag seems to last forever.

Now I should mention that while I am an affiliate for certain company's the Manna Pro company is not one of them. I just found it utterly fascinating that I would blindly look past Calf Manna at the feed store like I did. My tunnel vision can be pretty severe at times. (plus I wanted to post the cute pictures of Buttercup, Cute Thing and Snowflake eating out of the cup! lol)


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I am not a veterinarian or other animal care professional nor do I claim to be. I am simply passing on information that has worked for me and my flock. This information is for entertainment purposes only and is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical condition. Please see a vet if your chicken is ill. Click for my full disclaimer

This post contains affiliate links. If you chose to purchase something through the link, I will get a small payment from Amazon. It will not affect your purchase price. Click for full disclosure.


  1. I'm on the Backyard forum and I have just been reading about feeding chickens this. Also, a few there give their chickens hog feed. I think in some ways the tunnel vision is just that: we see the animal name and that's what we look for only.

    I recently bought a tub of pure powdered garlic at the feed store. I go through a ton of garlic because I put it in the chickens' feed. However, this was marketed towards horses. I actually stood there deliberating about it until I just looked at the label "100% pure garlic" and shook my head at my own tunnel vision!

    1. That sounds like something I would do! I didn't even know horses ate garlic. I would have never looked at it. *sigh* Time to open my eyes a bit more.


  2. It was Calf Manna, but it's not only for calves! The side of the bag/container has feeding instructions for goats and chickens too! (adult chickens, not chicks)

