
I think I'm funny...Craigslist ad

Ok, I have to admit...on many occasions, I really do amuse myself. I like to look at the lighter side of things and quite frankly, raising chickens can be quite amusing! Such is the case with my latest Craigslist ad for a silkie cockerel. 

Here's the text:
I have an ankle biter for sale. It's a 5 month old calico silkie chicken. Probably a boy. Cute as can be, but has an issue with biting my ankles every morning when I open the pen. He has a twin....not sure if that one is a boy or a girl, but it doesn't like biting ankles at all.

craigslist ad for funny silkie chickens

I'm a very honest when it comes to disclosing an issue, I'm all for it. In this case, this little brat has bit my leg every single day for about 2 weeks. Every morning. Only mornings. 

I can go into the grow out pen at other times of the day and he just ignores me. It's just when I let them out in the morning. He makes a beeline for my ankles and starts biting! Bad little chicken!

These aren't chickens that I had intended to keep. The grow out pen is used for chicks that I want to see grow out before I sell them. Like these 2 calico's. I wasn't sure how their markings were going to turn out, or how 'typey' they were going to be. 

Occasionally there are extra chicks in the grow out pen that haven't sold yet, but have moved beyond heat lamp stage. Or culls from the flock that have been moved to 'sell' status. I keep my flocks in top shape because I use them to Make $1000 every month from selling chicks, so sometimes I pull flock members out and they end up in the grow out pen for awhile.

There are 8 in there right now. A trio of blacks, the 2 calico's and 3 more blacks that I think are girls (took the boys to auction in January) I probably took a bunch of girls to auction too, I just couldn't tell them apart! 

Oh boy, that was an event! *rolls eyes* Anyway, we'll see if anyone wants the little ankle biter....he doesn't actually bite that hard. lol


UPDATE!!!! The ankle biter has sold! lol I got a message from the craigslist ad and a lady came and bought the twins and 2 other Silkies! Bonus!

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  1. That's funny! My husband hates it when I try to sell things. I will talk people right out of buying anything from being TOO honest LOL!

    1. I do the same thing! Surprisingly though, most of the time people still buy....and I don't feel guilty later! LOL


  2. Too funny! I've heard of little dogs being ankle biters but this is the first time I've heard of a chicken:)

    1. lol...I know! So cute and so much attitude!


  3. Funny! I wonder if the chicken is biting his new owner too. I definitely appreciate an honest sale. I absolutely can't stand the "salesman" type attitude because we all know nothing is perfect, so let's not pretend it is.

    1. I'm curious about that myself! lol I'd rather be honest and have somebody not buy a bird, then be dishonest and have them calling me all mad about it!


  4. Hi Lisa, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop.

    You're too funny! That's awesome that you found a home for your "ankle biter"! Like you said, honesty is the best policy.

    Anyway, thanks for the chuckle. If you ever get a chance, stop over to my blog to say hi! Have a great day…

    1. Hi Anne, I stopped by...great blog! We're a farm too, but we don't have cows either, or horses. As much as I want them again, I would never find the time to ride!

      Thanks for saying 'Hi'

