
We have ducklings!

I decided to hatch some ducklings to sell and it's actually going pretty well! I'm getting just enough orders that they're not hanging around too terribly long. Ducklings are so darn cute, but they're very messy! They get water everywhere! Which isn't so bad when they can be outside, or if mama duck broods them but me trying to keep them warm and dry has been so much fun (can you hear the sarcasm in that? lol)

little brown ducklings in water bowl

I found that my best bet is to put them outside on warm days in a portable dog pen. They can be as messy as they want to be and I just put them in their nice dry bed/brooder for bedtime. They seem to think their water bowl is a mini swimming pool!

khaki campbell duckling

Unfortunately they are just small enough to slip through the holes! So I station a kid outside to watch them! lol I think they'll be too big to fit through in another day or so. They are so cute when they're this small though!

khaki campbell ducklings

Are you thinking about getting some ducklings? Check out my post about Ducklings! Everything you need to start raising them.


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