
Why my 10 year old should not be allowed to name the chickens.

There is no easy way to say this so I'll just spit it out. I should never, ever ever EVER let my 10 year old son name the chickens.
There. I said it. Instead of boring you with words, I'm just going to show you the pictures of these adorable birds...and their wacky names.

Funny chicken names

First we'll start with Skittles. He said she was 'a rainbow of colors' as a chick. Mostly shades of brown of course!

partridge silkie chick

This is a blue silkie pullet named Skids. It made more sense when her sisters Mud Flap and Wheelie were here still (think Transformers movie) unfortunately they were sold so Skids is flying solo now.

backyard chickensNext is Frankenstein. Named for her huge vaulted skull when she was hatched. Of course, we didn't know she was a she then and have been calling her Frank ever since.

backyard chickensWhen this adorable all white Guinea keet was hatched her promptly dubbed her "the abominable snow keet" She's no longer this small, but she's still pure snowy white.

backyard chickens
Last but certainly not least, is Pooka the purple pancake. I have no words for that one......LOL

backyard chickens
Unfortunately I don't have pictures of Fluffy Magee or The Imposter. As you can see, my son is king of the funny chicken names! lol

Update: It didn't stop here! check out a new post on more of the kids funny chickens names: He's at it again! Funny chicken names.


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  1. I like the names. He's very creative! Much better than "Blackie" or "Snowball". LOL

  2. lol....true. He's certainly not boring with the names!
