
A pretty egg basket

Often when I tell people about my chickens they make the comment "they must make a pretty egg basket". Well, yes...they do. Not really my motivation on this one though. Believe it or not, it happened accidentally!

Related reading: Chickens that lay white eggs.

Originally it started out with ordering French Black Copper Marans eggs. The seller sent me some light brown 'mystery' eggs. It turned out to be an Easter Egger who laid greenish colored eggs. I had to get her a friend, so I picked up an 'Aracuna' (EE) pullet from the feed store. She happens to lay blue eggs. 

Related reading: Chickens that lay blue eggs.

My blue and splash Marans lay lighter eggs then the FBCM. All the bantams lay little cream colored eggs. The duck lays a big white swirly looking egg. So, it just sorta happened that my egg basket looks like this:
several colors of chicken eggs

A pretty egg basket

(no FBCM eggs in the basket this time...sorry!) Don't get me wrong...I love the pretty eggs! I just think that the hens are the best part of the whole thing! Their cute little faces, and funny personalities. They way they trip over each other, running when I call them. They are real sweethearts! 

Related reading: Chickens to raise for pretty colored eggs!

So while the eggs are pretty, they're more like a bonus gift from my spoiled little chooks!


Update: I've been asked about my colored eggs so often that I wrote about all the different breeds you can raise for colored eggs: Chicken breeds to raise for pretty eggs. Check it out!


  1. Thats a pretty basket! :)

    rlal85 from WUC :)

  2. Hi! I love the egg pictures! It makes me miss being at home. (I lived on a farm.)
    I do have a question, though! How long can you typcially keep farm fresh eggs out of the refrigerator?
    Thanks so much! :)

  3. I keep them on the counter about a week, although others have said they will be fresh longer. If I'm not going to use them within a week, they go into the refrigerator (or incubator!)
