
Babies! What do I do with the babies?

Well of course I couldn't wrap up hatching season when 'I' wanted to! Zippy, my adorable black Silkie hen, decided that there was time for one more hatch. I guess I hadn't paid real close attention to the eggs underneath her. She's a great broody so I didn't worry about the eggs at all in fact. Maybe I should have looked closer though! The first chick out was a blue marans! 

First, let me explain Marans genetics to you real quick: I have splash hens and a black copper roo....when they mate you get blue! I don't have any blue silkies. So there is no doubt in my mind, That is NOT Zippys egg!

hen with chicks

Silkie chicks

Next out were a tiny white silkie baby and then a little pale gray, chipmunk marked silkie baby! Oh the wonders on genetics! This little guy is shaping up to be partridge, though I have no idea how! My available roo's are buff, white and splash! Hmmmm. 

silkie chicks and mama

Finally the last baby hatched, a cute little white silkie baby! They were hatched October 11 which makes them almost 1 month old! They are so adorable, but unfortunately nobody seems to be in the market for chicks right now.

baby chicks

Of course the story can't end there....because 4 extra chicks really isn't a big deal. The problem is the 4 chicks I hatched from my cuckoo silkie are still here! Franks babies are just adorable! 2 cuckoo and 2 white. Her babies tend to be just a little bit lighter skinned, but they are still fluffy little sweethearts! I had planned to take 3 of them to the Uniontown poultry swap but unfortunately...there was a problem with the truck and I couldn't go. 

white and cuckoo silkie chicks

Only 3 of these little guys were going to the swap because the 4th one has a problem with her foot. No matter how hard I try I can't get that toe to straighten out. (yes, I'm pretty sure it's a her!) I've tried splints which have made it slightly better. She doesn't limp, but the toe sorta causes her to walk on the side of her foot. It doesn't really seem to bother her.

In the meantime......if you happen to be in Western Pa and need a few silkie chicks, drop me a line! I have some sweet little fluff balls available!
